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In a world characterized by growing security policy challenges, the SPF has taken on a central role in imparting specialist knowledge and initiating dialogues. Our events have developed into a forum for exchange for students, experts and the general public. We have welcomed personalities such as Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin and US Ambassador Scott C. Miller, which underlines the high quality and relevance of our work. With a carefully curated program of lectures, panel discussions and interactive formats such as "Politics for Breakfast", we offer insights into a wide range of current security policy topics. Our platform enables participants to engage directly with leading figures and thus expand their professional network. A highlight of our efforts is the annual Security Days, which last several days.


In order to be able to guarantee such events in the future, we are dependent on the financial support of benevolent donors and foundations. Your contributions enable us to continue to invite high-caliber speakers and provide a platform for exchange and learning that is invaluable to HSG students and the wider community. With your help, we can ensure that the SPF remains a central venue for security policy discussion and education in the future. We invite you to come and see our work for yourself and look forward to welcoming you to one of our upcoming events.


Sicherheitspolitisches Forum St. Gallen (SPF)

Dufourstrasse 50

Postfach 2

CH-9000 St. Gallen


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